- Electron heat flux in structured plasmas: collisions, trapping, and wave-particle interactions
11 February 2025, 4th General Assembly of SFB1491: “Cosmic Interacting Matters – From Source to Signal”, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany
- Transport of thermal and suprathermal electrons in the structured solar wind
03 February 2025, Particle Acceleration and Transport: from the Sun to Extragalactic Sources, Università della Calabria, Rende, Italy
- Synergies between in-situ and remote-sensing science with Solar Orbiter
08 January 2025, Solar Orbiter Community Building Webinar, online
- Kinetics of solar-wind electrons: the transition from collisional to collisionless dynamics
11 November 2024, Seminar, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany, online
- Backmapping of electron distributions to the exobase of the solar wind
25 September 2024, SWA Team Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic
- Matter, energy, and the cosmic void – how empty is space really?
16 August 2024, MS Queen Victoria, Cunard
- Extreme atmospheres – what is the weather like on other planets?
13 August 2024, MS Queen Victoria, Cunard
- Today’s space-weather forecast: temperatures around 100,000 degrees and wind speeds of about 800 km/s
08 August 2024, MS Queen Victoria, Cunard
- The Sun – What can we learn from the giant in our cosmic neighbourhood about stars across the Universe?
06 August 2024, MS Queen Victoria, Cunard
- The solar wind
26 June 2024, PLASMAScience Summer School, Porquerolles, France
- Energy transfer processes in cosmic plasmas: using space plasmas as astrophysical laboratories
13 June 2024, 3rd General Assembly of SFB1491: “Cosmic Interacting Matters – From Source to Signal”, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany
- Creation and regulation of heat flux in the solar-wind electron distribution
25 April 2024, ISSI Workshop “Electron Kinetic Physics: The Next Frontier in Space and Astrophysical Plasmas”, International Space Science Institute (ISSI), Bern, Switzerland
- Statistical mechanics of the electrons in the solar wind: stability and instability of whistler waves
31 January 2024, Vlasovia 2024: Seventh International Workshop on the Theory and Applications of the Vlasov Equation, Arcetri, Italy
- Small-scale electromagnetic and electrostatic fluctuations in the solar wind
14 November 2023, CFSA Seminar, Centre for Fusion, Space and Astrophysics, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
- Electron-astrophysics – Building bridges from electron measurements in space to the physics of the biggest structures in the Universe
31 October 2023, Heliophysics in Europe Workshop, ESA ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands
- Statistical mechanics of the electrons in the solar wind: expansion, instability, and collisions
18 October 2023, Solar and Space Physics Group Seminar, University of Northumbria, Newcastle, UK
- Liouville mapping as a method to predict observable distribution functions in the solar wind
28 September 2023, SWA Team Meeting, Rome, Italy
- Update on SWA sawtooth analysis
27 September 2023, SWA Team Meeting, Rome, Italy
- Matter, energy, and the cosmic void – how empty is space really?
31 August 2023, MS Queen Victoria, Cunard
- Extreme atmospheres – what is the weather like on other planets?
29 August 2023, MS Queen Victoria, Cunard
- Today’s space-weather forecast: temperatures around 100,000 degrees and wind speeds of about 800 km/s
26 August 2023, MS Queen Victoria, Cunard
- The Sun – What can we learn from the giant in our cosmic neighbourhood about stars across the Universe?
24 August 2023, MS Queen Victoria, Cunard
- Non-equilibrium electron processes in the solar wind – kinetic physics and observations with Solar Orbiter
18 July 2023, Seminar, Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics (AIP), Potsdam, Germany
- Small-scale reconnection and kinetic instabilities in turbulent space plasmas
06 July 2023, 49th European Conference on Plasma Physics, European Physical Society, Bordeaux, France
- Matter, energy, and the cosmic void – how empty is space really?
25 May 2023, MS Queen Mary 2, Cunard
- Extreme atmospheres – what is the weather like on other planets?
24 May 2023, MS Queen Mary 2, Cunard
- Today’s space-weather forecast: temperatures around 100,000 degrees and wind speeds of about 800 km/s
22 May 2023, MS Queen Mary 2, Cunard
- The giant in our cosmic neighbourhood – What can we learn from the Sun about the stars in our Universe?
21 May 2023, MS Queen Mary 2, Cunard
- How do instabilities work in complex/inhomogeneous plasma backgrounds
10 May 2023, CNR/RS Meeting “Multi-scale electrostatic energisation of plasmas: comparison of collective processes in laboratory and space”, Padova, Italy
- The multi-scale plasma physics of the solar wind: from electron scales to the size of the heliosphere
08 May 2023, CNR/RS Meeting “Multi-scale electrostatic energisation of plasmas: comparison of collective processes in laboratory and space”, Padova, Italy
- Using non-thermal electron distributions to probe the inner heliosphere
25 April 2023, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria
- Non-Maxwellian electrons as messengers of the solar-wind expansion
03 April 2023, Autumn MIST, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
- The electron-deficit whistler instability: theory, simulations, and Solar Orbiter observations
03 February 2023, SWA Team Meeting, Bordeaux, France
- Electron-Astrophysics – How the Smallest Scales in Space Power the Biggest Structures in the Universe
30 January 2023, Physikalisches Kolloquium, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany
- The multi-scale physics of the solar wind: theoretical, numerical, and observational challenges
19 January 2023, Space and Planetary Physics Seminar, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK
- Exploring cosmic plasma physics with Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter
07 December 2022, Seminar, Jeremiah Horrocks Institute, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK
- Instabilities in plasmas with complex distribution functions – linear and quasilinear descriptions
28 November 2022, ISSI Team “Ion Kinetic Instabilities in the Solar Wind in Light of Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter Observations”, Bern, Switzerland
- Electron-driven instabilities in the solar wind
15 November 2022, Arcetri 2022 Workshop on Plasma Astrophysics, Arcetri, Italy
- Today’s space-weather forecast: temperatures around 100,000 degrees and wind speeds of about 800 km/s
19 August 2022, MS Queen Victoria, Cunard
- The giant in our cosmic neighbourhood – What can we learn from the Sun about the stars in our Universe?
15 August 2022, MS Queen Victoria, Cunard
- Die Zukunft der Weltraumforschung – Chancen und Herausforderungen von internationalen Forschungskollaborationen
05/06 August 2022, Salzburger Hochschulwochen, Salzburg, Austria
- HelioSwarm: A Multispacecraft Mission to Study Turbulence in Space Plasmas
19 July 2022, 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Athens, Greece
- Debye: a mission to study electron-astrophysics in the solar wind
19 July 2022, 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Athens, Greece
- Our understanding of the solar wind: in-situ observations with Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter
18 July 2022, 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Athens, Greece
- Mass, momentum, energy, and angular-momentum budgets
28 June 2022, SHINE Workshop, Honolulu, HI, USA
- The large-scale structure of the solar wind: flux conservation, radial scalings, Mach numbers, and critical distances
23 May 2022, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria
- Multi-scale processes in space plasmas: from electron scales to the size of the heliosphere
22 April 2022, Applied Mathematics Seminar, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, UK, online
- The Plasma Analyser (PLA) instrument for Vigil – update and progress
22 April 2022, RAS Specialist Discussion Meeting “Future Solar and Heliospheric Assets for Space Weather Prediction: Instruments, Modelling and Machine-Learning”, Royal Astronomical Society, London, UK, online
- Results from the Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter missions
12 April 2022, 48th Annual Plasma Physics Conference, Institute of Physics, Liverpool, UK
- The multi-scale nature of the solar wind: kinetic processes and turbulence
02 February 2022, LASP Turbulence Meeting, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA, online
- In-situ science results from Solar Orbiter: examples and future prospects
14 December 2021, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans, LA, USA, online
- Flux conservation, radial scalings, Mach numbers, and critical distances in the solar wind: magnetohydrodynamics and Ulysses observations
13 December 2021, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans, LA, USA, online
- Local electron processes and their effects on the global evolution of the solar wind
23 November 2021, ISSI Team “Heliospheric Energy Budget: From Kinetic Scales to Global Solar Wind Dynamics”, Bern, Switzerland
- The global structure of the solar wind: mass, momentum, energy, and angular-momentum fluxes from Solar Orbiter and other missions
16 November 2021, Arcetri 2021 Workshop on Plasma Astrophysics, Arcetri, Italy
- The Solar Wind and ESA’s Solar Orbiter Mission
06 November 2021, Young Elite Scientists Summit (YESS), 3rd World Science and Technology Development Forum (WSTDF), Beijing, China, online
- The solar wind from the Sun to the Earth: a multi-scale plasma
02 November 2021, International Space Weather Initiative Workshop on Space Weather: Science and Applications, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), India, online
- A short tutorial of the solar wind
15 September 2021, Astro and Solar Plasma Group, online
- An overview of the first in-situ results from Solar Orbiter
25 August 2021, Joint Assembly IAGA-IASPEI 2021, online
- Using Solar Orbiter and other assets to explore the global structure of the solar wind: mass, momentum, energy, and angular-momentum fluxes
22 July 2021, National Astronomy Meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society, online
- The solar wind angular-momentum flux observed during Solar Orbiter’s first orbit
27 April 2021, EGU General Assembly, online
- The solar-wind angular-momentum flux observed during Solar Orbiter’s first orbit
18 March 2021, Solar Orbiter In-situ Working Group “CMEs, CIRs, HCS and large-scale structure”, online
- Kinetics of solar-wind electrons: expansion, instabilities, and collisions
30 November 2020, CFSA Seminar, Centre for Fusion, Space and Astrophysics, University of Warwick, online
- Kinetic physics of the electrons in the solar wind
09 October 2020, Heliophysics Seminar, Princeton University, online
- Der Sonne ganz nah – die neuesten Ergebnisse von Solar Orbiter
13 August 2020, Faszination Astronomie Online, Haus der Astronomie, Heidelberg, online
- Kinetic physics, collisions, and turbulence in the solar wind: a multi-scale perspective
14 July 2020, MIST Online Seminar Series, online
- Die neuesten Entwicklungen in NASAs und ESAs Programm zur Erforschung des Sonnensystems
25 May 2020, Rotary Club Heidelberg, online
- Kinetic theory and simulation of electron-strahl scattering in the solar wind
06 May 2020, EGU General Assembly, online
- Die neuesten Entwicklungen in NASAs und ESAs Programm zur Erforschung des Sonnensystems
29 April 2020, Rotaract Club Heidelberg, online
- Electron-astrophysics – ideas for future space missions
27 April 2020, LASP Turbulence Meeting, University of Colorado, Boulder, online
- Solar Orbiter Science Briefing
07 February 2020, ESA Social-media Event for the Launch of Solar Orbiter, European Space Operations Centre, Darmstadt, Germany
- Understanding and linking the solar wind: plasma kinetics with Solar Orbiter SWA
14 January 2020, ISSI Team “Exploring The Solar Wind In Regions Closer Than Ever Observed Before”, Bern, Switzerland
- Self-induced scattering of the electron strahl in the inner heliosphere
29 October 2019, 2019 Arcetri Workshop on Plasma Astrophysics, Arcetri, Italy
- A brief introduction to kinetic physics and turbulence in the solar wind
26 August 2019, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China
- The multi-scale behaviour of the solar wind: kinetic physics, collisions, and turbulence
26 August 2019, National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
- Electron-astrophysics – ideas for new space missions
22 August 2019, Graduate Academic Conference on Turbulence and Magnetic Reconnection, Beijing, China
- The fluidisation of plasma turbulence – theory and observations
21 August 2019, Peking University, Beijing, China
- Kinetic processes, turbulence, and the multi-scale evolution of the solar wind
05 August 2019, SHINE Workshop, Boulder, CO, USA
- Multi-scale plasma processes in the solar wind
03 July 2019, National Astronomy Meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society, Lancaster, UK
- The Debye mission: measuring electron-scale turbulence in the solar wind
04 June 2019, Waves Côte d’Azur, Université de Côte d’Azur, Nice, France
- Debye: electron-astrophysics in the solar wind
29 May 2019, Solar Wind Electron Workshop, ESAC, Villafranca del Castillo, Spain
- Measuring electron-scale turbulence with Debye
11 April 2019, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria
- Debye: design for an ESA F-Class mission to study electron heating in space and astrophysical plasma
08 April 2019, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria
- Large-scale and small-scale turbulence: particles and fields
29 March 2019, SWA Team Meeting, Florence, Italy
- Studying large-scale and small-scale solar-wind turbulence with Solar Orbiter: particles and fields
25 February 2019, ISEE Symposium “Recent progress in heliospheric physics by direct measurements of unexplored space plasmas”, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
- The multi-scale nature of the solar wind
14 December 2018, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, USA
- The solar wind: a multi-scale astrophysical plasma
23 November 2018, School of Physics and Astronomy Seminar, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK
- Is the fast solar wind (almost) always unstable?
22 October 2018, 2018 Arcetri Workshop on Plasma Astrophysics, Arcetri, Italy
- The Oblique Whistler-wave Instability Driven by the Electron Strahl
25 September 2018, SWA Team Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic
- How unstable is the solar wind?
26 July 2018, Fluids & Plasmas Seminar, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA
- Science with SWA and ALPS (The Arbitrary Linear Plasma Solver)
16 May 2018, SWA Team Meeting, Frascati, Italy
- The Dynamics of Compressive Fluctuations in the Solar Wind: Fluid or Kinetic?
26 April 2018, 8th Meeting of Isradynamics – “Dynamical Processes in Space Plasmas”, Ein Bokek, Israel
- The Arbitrary Linear Plasma Solver (ALPS): A New Tool for Kinetic Physics with Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe
11 April 2018, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria
- Turbulence-driven Kinetic Instabilities and Their Effects on Particle Scattering in the Solar Wind
04 April 2018, European Week of Astronomy and Space Science, Liverpool, UK
- Space plasma physics with ALPS: The Arbitrary Linear Plasma Solver
27 March 2018, Spring MIST, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
- Plasma-Astrophysics: The Connection Between Global Dynamics and Kinetic Plasma Physics
15 February 2018, Astrophysics Group Seminar, Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London, Dorking, UK
- Cutting-edge Kinetic Physics with Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter: The Arbitrary Linear Plasma Solver (ALPS)
12 December 2017, AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA
- Do we even need kinetic physics to describe the solar wind?
22 November 2017, Solar System Group Meeting, Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London, Dorking, UK
- Using ALPS with Solar Orbiter to Understand Waves and Instabilities in the Solar Wind
10 November 2017, RAS Specialist Discussion Meeting “Solar Orbiter: Synergy Between Theory and Observations”, Royal Astronomical Society, London, UK
- Polarisation Properties of Kinetic and MHD Slow Modes in the Solar Wind
26 October 2017, 2017 Arcetri Workshop on Plasma Astrophysics, Arcetri, Italy
- Fluctuations in the Collisionless Solar Wind: MHD or Kinetic?
19 October 2017, Plasma Seminar, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
- The Polarization of Compressive Fluctuations in the Solar Wind: MHD, Kinetic Theory, and In-situ Observations
24 August 2017, Parker Solar Probe Theory Telecon
- The Applicability of MHD to Describe a Collisionless Plasma Like the Solar Wind
16 August 2017, Numerical Techniques in MHD Simulations Workshop, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
- Using WIND to Study Compressive Fluctuations in the Solar Wind
20 July 2017, WIND SWG Telecon
- The Fluid-like Behavior of Compressive Fluctuations in the Collisionless Solar Wind
19 June 2017, IPELS Workshop, San Diego, CA, USA
- Compressive Turbulence in the Solar Wind – Kinetic vs. Fluid Models
07 June 2017, Astroplasmas Seminar, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA
- Fluid and Kinetic Plasma Modes in the Collisionless Solar Wind
01 May 2017, Space Physics Seminar, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA
- How Fluid-like are the Compressive Fluctuations in the Solar Wind
21 February 2017, Seminar, Imperial College, London, UK
- Compressive Turbulence and Its Effects on Kinetic Instabilities in the Solar Wind
14 February 2017, Extra-Seminar, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany
- ALPS: The Arbitrary Linear Plasma Solver
17 December 2016, Wind Team Meeting, Berkeley, CA, USA
- Collisionless Isotropization of the Solar-Wind Protons by Compressive Fluctuations and Plasma Instabilities
15 December 2016, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA
- Regulation of the Electron Strahl by Kinetic Instabilities in the Solar Wind
11 December 2016, FIELDS Science Team Meeting, Berkeley, CA, USA
- Fluctuating-Moment Effects in the Solar Wind: A Kinetic Response to Compressive Plasma Turbulence
09 November 2016, Space Science Center Seminar, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA
- Fluctuating-Moment Effects due to Compressive Plasma Turbulence in the Solar Wind
12 September 2016, Imperial College, London, UK
- Compressive Fluctuations and their Effects on Particle Kinetics in the Solar Wind
05 September 2016, Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London, Dorking, UK
- Isotropization of the Solar Wind through Plasma Instabilities Induced by Compressive Fluctuations
07 April 2016, 15th Annual International Astrophysics Conference, Cape Coral, FL, USA
- Electron-Driven Instabilities and their Implications for Turbulence in the Solar Wind
06 July 2015, SHINE Workshop, Stowe, VT, USA
- Alpha-Particle/Proton Differential Flow in the Solar Wind: Implications for Plasma Heating, Azimuthal Flow, and the Parker Spiral Magnetic Field
17 December 2014, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA
- Alpha-Particle Energetics in the Solar Wind: Instabilities, the Rotational Force, and Particle Heating
14 December 2014, FIELDS Science Team Meeting, Berkeley, CA, USA
- Deceleration of Alpha Particles in the Solar Wind by Instabilities and the Rotational Force
29 October 2014, Space Science Center Seminar, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA
- Dissipation of Plasma Turbulence by Stochastic Heating
23 June 2014, SHINE Workshop, Telluride, CO, USA
- Alpha Particles in the Solar Wind: Instabilities Driven by Beams and Temperature Anisotropies
13 June 2014, Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology, University of Cologne, Germany
- Resonant Instabilities Driven by Anisotropic Alpha-Particle Beams in Collisionless Plasmas
13 March 2014, 13th Annual International Astrophysics Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC, USA
- Kinetic Instabilities Driven by Alpha Particles and Their Contribution to Solar-Wind Heating
10 December 2013, SWEAP Science Team Meeting, Berkeley, CA, USA
- Stochastic Heating at Beta of Order Unity
08 December 2013, HTP Team Meeting, Berkeley, CA, USA
- Kinetic Instabilities Driven by Anisotropic Ion and Electron Beams in the Solar Wind
29 October 2013, SPRG Seminar, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA
- Preferential Ion Heating by Waves and Turbulence in the Solar Wind
25 June 2013, SHINE Workshop, Buford, GA, USA
- Cascade on Kinetic Scales in Two-Dimensional Hybrid Simulations
05 June 2013, Meeting on Solar Wind Turbulence, Kennebunkport, ME, USA
- Wave Generation by Alpha-Particle Driven Instabilities in the Solar Wind
16 April 2013, Institut für Weltraumforschung, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Graz, Austria
- Beam Instabilities Driven by Alpha Particles with Temperature Anisotropies in the Fast Solar Wind
27 March 2013, First Solar Probe Plus Workshop, Pasadena, CA, USA
- Kinetic Instabilities Driven by Alpha Particles in the Solar Wind
14 March 2013, The 42nd UK Fusion Theory Seminar, Culham, UK
- Resonant Instabilities and Scattering of the Electron Strahl
04 December 2012, HTP Team Meeting, Berkeley, CA, USA
- A parallel-propagating Alfvénic ion-beam instability in magnetized high-beta space plasmas
04 December 2012, HTP Team Meeting, Berkeley, CA, USA
- On the generation of oblique high-frequency waves by ion beams in the solar wind
19 September 2012, Workshop “Turbulent cascade in the solar wind: anisotropy and dissipation”, Paris, France
- The anisotropic cascade of solar wind turbulence beyond MHD scales in two-dimensional hybrid simulations
01 February 2012, 511. WE-Heraeus-Seminar “From the Heliosphere into the Sun — Sailing against the Wind”, Bad Honnef, Germany
- Über konvektierte Wellenstrukturen und spektralen Transfer in Weltraumplasmen — Anwendungen auf Sonnenkorona und Sonnenwind
11 January 2012, Disputation, TU Braunschweig, Germany
- Hybrid simulations of the two-dimensional cascade of weak solar wind turbulence beyond MHD scales
09 December 2011, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA
- Parametrischer Zerfall und kinetische Kaskade — spektraler Transfer in Weltraumplasmen
27 October 2011, Oberseminar Theoretische Physik, TU Braunschweig
- Parametric decay and kinetic cascade — spectral transfer in space plasmas
26 October 2011, Solar System Seminar, MPS Lindau, Germany
- Compressive wave structures on kinetic scales resulting from a two-dimensional turbulent cascade in the solar wind
16. September 2011, Workshop “Cosmic Rays and the Heliospheric Plasma Environment”, Bochum, Germany
- Apparent temperature anisotropies due to wave activity in the solar wind
19. April 2011, 478. WE-Heraeus-Seminar “Fusion and Astrophysical Plasmas”, Bad Honnef, Germany
- Schwach kompressive, hochfrequente Wellen im inhomogenen Multifluid-Plasma
22. February 2011, DGG-Jahrestagung, Köln, Germany
- Compressive high-frequency waves riding on an Alfvén-cyclotron wave in a multi-fluid plasma
26. January 2011, Oberseminar Theoretische Physik, TU Braunschweig, Germany
- Compressive high-frequency waves riding on an Alfvén-cyclotron wave in a multi-fluid plasma
15. December 2010, Solar System Seminar, MPS Lindau, Germany
- Mikroturbulenz und Energiekaskade in Weltraumplasmen — Multifluid- und kinetische Betrachtungen
03. June 2010, Oberseminar Theoretische Physik, TU Braunschweig, Germany
- Kinetics of non-Maxwellian distribution functions in the turbulent solar wind
23. March 2010, Workshop “New perspectives on cosmic rays in the heliosphere”, Parys, South Africa
- Kinetik nicht-maxwellscher Verteilungsfunktionen des turbulenten Sonnenwindplasmas
16. March 2010, DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Bonn, Germany
- Kinetics of solar wind turbulence — feedback on the proton distribution function
27. January 2010, Solar System Seminar, MPS Lindau, Germany
- Kinetik der Abbremsung und Dissipation des Sonnenwindplasmas am heliosphärischen Schock
02. April 2009, DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Greifswald, Germany
- IBEX: Theoretische Grundlagen
20. January 2009, Extra-Seminar bei Hans Fahr, AIfA Bonn, Germany
- Solar wind proton reflection and induced injection to the ACR regime at the quasi-parallel termination shock
11. November 2008, 2nd International Heliophysical Year Conference, ISSI Bern, Switzerland
- Ionen-Injektion in den Fermi-1-Prozeß
06. May 2008, Extra-Seminar bei Hans Fahr, AIfA Bonn, Germany
- Kinetische Betrachtung des parallelen magnetohydrodynamischen Schocks
05. March 2008, DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Freiburg, Germany
- Das Feldlinienkonzept: Sinn oder Unsinn
10. July 2007, Extra-Seminar bei Hans Fahr, AIfA Bonn, Germany
- Beziehungen des Mondes zur Erde
im “Bonner Sternenhimmel”, Bonn, Germany
- Temperaturmessung
16. June 2006, Meteorologisches Instrumentenpraktikum, Universität Bonn, Germany
- Das Nilssonmodell
11. January 2006, Seminar “Kernmodelle und ihre experimentelle Überprüfung”, Universität Bonn, Germany
- Microquasars as counterparts of unidentified EGRET sources
Astrophysikalisches Seminar, Universität Bonn, Germany